Dairy companies use Imilk every day to register milk collections at dairy farms and delivery of milk by milk collection trucks at the various milk processing locations. The system also provides insight into the milk deliveries and milk quality per supplier, and identifies possible deviations. Within Imilk the entire milk payment process between the dairy company and the dairy farmer is organised on behalf of the dairy company.
Imilk is also available for dairy processors in the milk goat industry.
Individual dairy farmers gain insight into their own milk deliveries and quality in their own Z-net account.
Information security – ISAE3402
It is important that all information is secure and only accessible by the individual dairy farmer and the dairy company. Z-net has an ISAE3402 certification; the certification standard for outsourcing. This statement establishes how processes are managed and how risk management, information security and anti-fraud measures are organised and followed up.