In the production process of dairy products, many factors influence the quality of the final product. The challenge for process operators is to produce products that meet the set specifications, such as protein and fat percentage. During the process analyses are conducted in samples of the product with NIR or FTIR measuring instruments to determine the various parameters.

It is essential that a measuring instrument generates accurate results. How can it be ensured that an instrument is measuring correct analysis results? This is possible by setting up and executing a targeted calibration and control plan per instrument per specific product.

Specific dairy products require product-specific calibration lines

Measuring instruments are provided by the suppliers with standard calibration lines for dairy, raw milk, whey and cream. In practice, a wide range of specific dairy products such as whey concentrates, yogurt and ice cream mixes with a specific amount of protein, fat and lactose are analysed with these instruments. This is often done based on the available standard calibration lines. As a result analysis results are not accurate, and in practice too much protein, fat or lactose is revealed. This can cost a lot of money annually, in some cases more than €100,000.

Qlip’s expertise is the development and maintenance of specific calibration lines and setting up measuring instruments. Qlip supports dairy companies in obtaining reliable and correct analysis results for their own specific products.

To generate high-quality analysis results for specific dairy products it is advisable to calibrate measuring instruments for these specific products. Product and customer-specific calibration series are developed for a large number of dairy processors. In this way measuring instruments can be provided with a product-specific and robust calibration line. This forms a solid basis and reliable source of information to adjust the composition of the final product to the requested product specifications.


In order to achieve improved efficiency and profitability it is essential that a thorough control and calibration plan is drawn up per instrument per dairy product. Then the challenge is to execute this according to plan. The Remote Dairy Quality (RDQ) tool is available for dairy companies. With this tool control and calibration plans are set up and the plan’s output is monitored. The method of pre-treatment of control samples is also recorded.

Within the tool the analysis results of the control samples are also determined within the set limits. All this is displayed graphically with digital control charts, and deviations are reported automatically. The RDQ tool is available online for various employees, such as process operators and QC and QA managers. If several people carry out the analyses of the control samples it is possible to monitor the performance of individual employees.

Involved employees are trained by our experts in workshops. Our experts also organise and calibrate measuring instruments on location.

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Service packages Calibration products & support