Documents relating to certification

The documents Qlip issues in connection with its certification activities can be downloaded here. Customers can easily obtain the documents relevant to the scheme that is used for certification. Customers will therefore receive a login name and password when applying for certification.

These documents contain rules and regulations, hygiene codes and standards of a number of certification schemes. When documents are edited or new versions become available you will be notified so you are continuously well informed.

Complaints, objections, appeals and disputes

Procedures for filing complaints, objections, appeals and disputes are described in several documents. You can find these on the ‘Complaints’ page.

Certificate Holders

A recent list of companies that have been certified by Qlip can be requested via In addition, an overview with newly issued certificates and a summary of suspended and discontinued certificates is available at the bottom of this page.


Scheme owners require certified companies to report a recall or incident to the certification body within the set term. The certification body must follow up this notification and assess the handling by the company to determine that the company continues to meet the certification criteria. Report your recall or incident here.